The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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brian itzaina:
Best shop dog






--- Quote from: brian itzaina;3523379 ---Best shop dog

--- End quote ---

I cant believe you would put that poor animal on display in that case like that. What if it was to eat one of those bottles of chemicals? You are taking away it's dignity by showing it off like that! That bike shop may as well be a puppy mill. What the fuck is wrong with you, you should treat that dog with more respect.

my dogs:

Get fucked nitro

brian itzaina:

--- Quote from: conorh;3523387 ---I cant believe you would put that poor animal on display in that case like that. What if it was to eat one of those bottles of chemicals? You are taking away it's dignity by showing it off like that! That bike shop may as well be a puppy mill. What the fuck is wrong with you, you should treat that dog with more respect.
--- End quote ---

he jumped in on his own and I simply snapped the photo and made him get out. He lives with a cat who likes to open cabinets and crawl inside so he does the same sometimes. No harm done.

Your dogs look precious with hats on. I want to find a glittery pink top hat for my cat ha.


--- Quote from: brian itzaina;3523390 ---.
--- End quote ---

I was being sarcastic, in hind sight i should have included red text. That is pretty funny though.

For you who dress your dogs, do you carry them around in your purse too?


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