The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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--- Quote from: wheelr;3523393 ---For you who dress your dogs, do you carry them around in your purse too?
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Ive tried, they don't fit so well

my dog got sprayed by a skunk last night.


--- Quote from: nitromors;3523301 ---and if its so cold where you live the n buying a dog that needs special clothes to survive is an act of supreme cruelty, you force the animal to suffer because you like the way it looks,
that is fucked up,

buy a fucking husky.
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Where the fuck do you live? Do you not have seasons? The temperature here reaches the high 90's in the summer and below zero with wind chill in the winter.

--- Quote from: nitromors;3523301 ---i ask you this,

does the dog try to put on the clothes? does it actively each day try to clothe itself?

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Yes my dog brings me her hoodie to put on her when she is cold

--- Quote from: nitromors;3523301 ---all i've done is show you and everyone else here,quite how foolish you are dressing your dog up like a doll, like a plaything,
for your amusement,
at the cost of its dignity,

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You haven't shown anyone anything. Next time you have a point to make try expressing yourself with out insulting people, it might be better received.

--- Quote from: nitromors;3523301 ---all that remains is for you to admit you bought it from a pet store like petsmart or petco...

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I've never seen a petsmart or petco that sells dogs.

--- Quote from: nitromors;3523301 ---Quote:
Originally Posted by H0LLA  
I'm not very bright am I?
you're not,

when you grow up and stop dressing up dolly's there might be hope though.

--- End quote ---

Use proper grammar and spelling if you are going to insult people's intelligence

I can only hope your participation in this thread has been a troll. But if that is not the case we should compare other subjects that are completely unrelated (puppy mills vs. dressing up your pets). Are you a vegan and do you only buy/wear clothing made by companies which don't exploit child labor? The unethical and inhumane practices utilized by mass farming and production are far worse, have been around much longer and are happening on much larger scales.

and connor comes running in to defend the rights of people dressing their dogs up like dolls...

like the grammatical john mclean,

gunning them down with his plodding methodical use of grammar as his uzi like barometer of intelligence....

if you have urges to dress a bulldog up as a bumblebee,
and you're a grown man,
see a doctor.

and don't buy puppy farm puppies, these farms are cruel and inhumane,
at least see the pup with its parents.

yippee-kah-yay motherfu........

spider, free of charge.

Aw man, you put a collar on your dog? Cruel.


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