The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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Dot turned 1 on the 19th.



--- Quote from: nitromors;3523602 ---

--- End quote ---

Was your dog born with that collar? Does he actively try to put it on himself? You should probably release the little guy into the wild and let him live as he was intended to.

Also, thank you for not rebutting the rest of my argument, and only mentioning me correcting your grammar as you attempted to insult someone else's intelligence, when that was clearly the least relevant part.

Can you guys just go back to posting cute pictures and shit?

Here's a video of my cat. It's upside down or something and I can't rotate it.


Where even posting pictures of pets turns into a fight

Cummon guys

The Jawa:

--- Quote from: Big_L;3523777 ---Bikeguide

Where even posting pictures of pets turns into a fight

Cummon guys
--- End quote ---

too true. let's get this shit back on track.

Cody, back in the good old days.


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