The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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This is my cat, Hank. He ruins everything.

Oddly I haven't posted this picture. She steals all of my socks and then falls asleep.

brian itzaina:

--- Quote from: Cole;3533235 ---I'm jealous as fuck of your dog. He seems chill. Does he bark lots? Is he the kind of dog that will run around for hours?
--- End quote ---

Haha thanks, he hardly barks. He has a really playfull yelp he does when he's really excited, but he stops as soon as I say something. His true bark is only heard a few times, if I accedently step on his foot or if he's really mad. He plays with the cat all day and they run around like mad, they take lots of naps, sit at the window and look outside at birds.

d shout:
do any of your cats play fetch? mine loves chasing after crumpled up paper balls and bringing them back. heres a quick video of her catching one -

and heres a picture of her -

My old cat JB would play fetch with his reindeer when he was little. He loved that little toy, even when he grew up he would carry it around with him everywhere. I got him other toys and he couldn't care less about them, he only cared about his reindeer.

I miss him, he was catnapped.

I still have his reindeer though.

Edit: Picture of my boy Josh (JB).


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