The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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my stupid cat sylvester. i think he's mentally retarded

Just found out that our dog Freddie only has between 3-6 months left due to a heart condition that is steadily getting worse :\ apparently his death will be sudden and could happen at any time, not exactly what we wanted to hear.. He's only just turned 8 as well.

Sad news, sorry to hear that. Always horrible to lose a pet

Back at me Ma's house for the first time in a long time. Summer holidays should be boring as hell. She does have a cat though.

Look like it's doing this :/ all the time.

Dorthy Helen splashing around this morning.

Bummer about your dog Tom, my dog's death was sudden (got gastro intestinal twisting @ 9pm and had put down at 11pm). I hope all the diagnosis are wrong and he lives a longer life. Alternatively, let his end be swift and easy.


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