The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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--- Quote from: BrokenEnglish;3140617 ---noone else thinks this is hilarious?
--- End quote ---

That I do, it is funny.

I have two cats, they're both fucking awesome.  Selkie (white/gray) is incredibly vocal, but stubborn.  Mookie (black) is a cuddler and purring machine, and getting pretty vocal and whiney.

They're super gay for each other, too.

my 5 month old corgi, Marty. (Some older pictures)


Rainier.  Can't find any other pictures.  Half lab, half collie.  Best dog ever.  This was taken when we were throwing sticks in the river for him to retrieve.  I wish I had been old enough to hunt when we got him because I would have definitely taught him to pick up ducks.

My boxer pup hes still only 15 weeks hes about doubled in size since those pics though.
10 weeks

12 weeks


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