The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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Prodigal Son:
Thats stupid, my dog hates everyone besides 20-40 year old women.

he actually loves everyone. my plan has failed.

I had to bury my dog today. He was 9 and had really bad hip dysplasia. I'm glad we didn't have to put him down, he went on his own... whatever photobucket shit

I've been heavily considering getting a dog. Current dog owners, what's the advantage/disadvantage spread on those things?


--- Quote from: KillSeth on October 08, 2013, 09:57:34 AM ---I've been heavily considering getting a dog. Current dog owners, what's the advantage/disadvantage spread on those things?

--- End quote ---

-Companionship like no other animal. They will be your best friend forever.
-Fun. You can take them anywhere and they love it.
-Makes you appreciate little things. Hanging out in the back yard is fun since the dog is with you and wants to play.
-Raises your immune system (seriously)
-Makes you calmer and happier
-Women love cute dogs and will talk to you more

-Cost: vet bills, high quality food, adoption fees or breeder costs, toys, training, the list goes on.
-Time: you can't leave them alone like a cat. Even an 8hr work day (+commute) is pushing it for most dogs to be left alone.
-Training: you get out what you put in. Every well behaved, trained dog is that way because of the 100s of hours that were put into them
-Dirty: if you're a clean freak, look the other way. Dogs run through mud, roll in dead things, get poop stuck to their ass, etc.


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