The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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--- Quote from: Cole on November 19, 2014, 07:41:03 PM ---
--- Quote from: ginger on November 19, 2014, 07:03:04 PM ---That looks (and sounds) like the worst dog ever.

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One thing I can without a doubt agree with you on.

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I would take that dog in from the cold before you though. Lul.

I have heard that dogs will often constantly lick or bite at a sore or something because it will hit a nerve and almost give them a "high" experience. Put a cone on him a while and see what happens. Maybe once the rashes are healed up, he wont go after them. My dog got a small scrape on her arm and it took forever to get her to get over it.

bump. just adopted this lovable 8 month old puppy, Hiro. My other dog doesn't seem to care about the new puppy unless food/chew toys and couch space is compromised.

My 1 yr old sausages


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