The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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Helios. He's a year and a half young pure bred Beagle. Loves to chew, loves to bark, loves to run and play all day every day. By far my best friend.

Hanging with his girl Ruby. She's a two year old Beagle/Boston Terrier. She is a friends pup.

^I think Helios and Winston would get along.  When I took this pic it may be the longest he has sat still in months.

Freddie. I don't even know how old he is any more, probably about 5 or so.

First dog I've had of my own (not my parents), and I love her.  Got her from the Humane Society when she was about 6 months old.  She's about 3 now.  Super energetic, then super chill.  Mad smart too.


--- Quote from: jinx667;3156502 ---^I think Helios and Winston would get along.  When I took this pic it may be the longest he has sat still in months.

--- End quote ---

Helios gets along with every dog. I'm right up the freeway and go to the dog park almost daily.

Too bad everyone on here lives so far from each other. BGDG(bikeguidedogday) would be awesome!


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