The Street > The Lounge

I'm gonna be a daddy!

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Fuck yea.
My kids 2nd Birthday is soon and im Stoked.
Just wait till he is almost 2
hahah FML.


--- Quote from: outlaw;3481773 ---more bad news
--- End quote ---


I know this thread is very old but this is the place to post this. My son is now four and his favorite thing in the world is to go to the skate park and pump around the bowl on his strider. It is awesome to be able to share BMX with my son. He has pretty good park etiquette too.

Prodigal Son:
I've taken my nephew to the park and he doesn't understand he can't take infinity bowl runs. Nor does he understand how to pump either. Consider yourself blessed I think!

Haha my wife doesn't understand that either even though she has been with me forever and seen her fair share of skate parks. Trust me, I use the term pum loosely.


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