The Street > The Lounge

I'm gonna be a daddy!

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I'm getting ready to turn 23 myself in the near future, and figure that kids are out of the plan for at least 3-4 more years or so.

I have 5 nieces/nephews aged 4 or below, so I definitely can appreciate the little buggers and how awesome they are; I just need a few more years to get my shit together and actually have the time and money to properly spend with/on a child.

23 and wanting kids? Steady on mate! Not a chance like.
Being a dad is fun, you get to play with toys again.

My second baby was born saturday. We have a little boy and a girl now so we're stopping there. The first birth experience was very traumatic. The hospital messed up and had to get a cesarian. The second was a all natural home birth and it felt like that is the way babies should be born.

Tony Harrison:
I can see myself being a terrible father, I would probably just fuck with them and teach them the alphabet backwards and that red means go and green means stop. I probably wouldn't have kids very long.

The Jawa:
Looks like you have to buy another bike soon.


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