The Street > The Lounge

Steven Hamilton

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Austin Tasseltine:

--- Quote from: dellian;3543119 ---anyone who feels the need to air a pointless criticism about hamilton's way of life is a fucking bore.
--- End quote ---

word to this

steven hamilton can do whatever he wants.

badmanzdem, i think is suitably colloquial.

Austin Tasseltine:
few good hamdog pics popping up on the animal fb page recently, back on the xup pedal grinds

clean shaven ham dog (deffos off the crack/smack/phet/krokodil)

The Fresh Pinch:

--- Quote from: Abe Frauman;3543085 ---maybe he shouldnt have bothered agreeing to the interview if he wasnt really bothered about it, but i think its pretty amusing that he shaved his sideburn and shit just to try and freak out banners.
deffos seems like a crazy guy, but in a good way. bmx is more interesting with characters like him who stand out among the clean cut clones and comp jock dick pros
--- End quote ---

To get your sponsorship monies you're often required to get a certain amount of coverage if you're not going to go to contests and stuff. This interview would be considered part of that I'm sure.


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