The Street > The Lounge

Steven Hamilton

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HeyKid Matt:
Analyze this clip?

Manual/firecracker then jump over rail? Wallride or manual down rail then jump stairs?
Too blurry to tell.


It's crazy how Hamilton footage has more in common with Bigfoot footage than the video TCU regularly throws out.

Saw this on Empire today and even though it's old it's still funny as hell...

--- Quote from: Empire team page ---

1. fucking pedal like real fucking fast until you see the thing you want to grind on. 2. close your fucking eyes and scream while violently jerking the fucking handlebars into the fucking air, while like jumping or something. 3. keep screaming as your back peg fucking starts sliding against some shit and do that fucking air-humping balance thing while fucking screaming, tilting as far back as humanly possible, but not so far back as though you were trying to fall back and smack your fucking skull against the pavement. 4. fucking just feel it, bro. 5. violently jerk the handlebars forward and take a nice warm piss in your pants. the end.

--- End quote ---

I'm in Columbus now and I see Steven here and there. He rides with a few of us Hood Antics dudes from time to time. He's definitely not as crazy as that interview makes him out to be. He's pretty quiet still.
Most of the time he is dribbling a basketball up and down the street or hanging in front of Black Sheep. I'll try and get some footage of him soon. He's always asking us to film him.


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