The Street > The Lounge

Steven Hamilton

<< < (24/79) > >>

Austin Tasseltine:
we'll let you off for the name drop if you come up with the goods

The Jawa:

--- Quote ---What are you doing for work?

Just riding. I haven’t’ had a job since I quit my job working for the University here which was in 2004. That is why I considered myself a pro, because it was how I got paid. I know a lot of people are great riders but I don’t think they should consider themselves pro if they work other jobs. I actually really liked the job I had at the university and I didn’t want to quit but since I wasn’t a student I couldn’t keep the job anymore. But since then I haven’t had a job other than riding..
--- End quote ---

so you're not pro if you work a small day job...? hmmm

Can someone PLEASE re-upload that albion interview?

I did read it when it was up but all this talk makes me wanna read it again.


--- Quote from: Abe Frauman;3544136 ---we'll let you off for the name drop if you come up with the goods
--- End quote ---

Haha, it's no name drop. Everyone in Columbus knows Steven, BMXer or not. He rides wheelies around OSU all day.

I <3 Gore.:

--- Quote from: Cat;3544106 ---... I'll try and get some footage of him soon. He's always asking us to film him.
--- End quote ---

If hammy were asking me to film him, I'd rob my own mother to get the job done.


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