The Street > The Lounge

Steven Hamilton

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I'm sure they headed to united with the other half of the team that left federal.


--- Quote from: Admiral Ackbar;3592421 ---to be fair when was the last time stricker released any sort of media?

yeah hamilton dropped off the radar for a while but he came back in force with like 4 edits and and endless stream of photos via animal.
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I'm pretty sure he's been injured..


--- Quote from: streetStreet;3592511 ---Whats the point in buying Federal if there isnt any Hamilton? are the Forte guys still on Federal?
--- End quote ---

They've been on United since, well... United began I'm pretty sure. I don't even recall them being on Federal, haha. Federal does still have a pretty banging team with Lacey and Hoffman, but Hamilton is just a legend and all-time favorite of mine.

Phil Medeep:
Help me understand this. Ian Morris started federal, to sell it and start united. Why?

Ian left Federal to do his own thing. He wasn't the only person involved with Federal. Anyone from Hastings can probably tell you some more dramatic story but that's the gist of it from what I understand.


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