The Street > The Lounge

Steven Hamilton

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Same here. But there are a lot of recycled things done over and over it just come down to who did it the most stylish or who put the most creativity into the spot. I sure as hell don't run brake and I don't have the same riding style as Hamilton but he is one of those people I like to watch ride a bike because it is refreshing even though its not the new stuff.

Not sure if this was posted but JPR scanned an old hamilton interview and put up on his now defunked blog circa 2009

Admiral Ackbar:

screencapped from that interview

Austin Tasseltine:
"I can guarantee you with certainty that steven's riding style will not turn into the new fad"

i find that sentence ironic because its true noone has really ever come close to riding like hamdog, but there were quite a few 19" frames popped up when he was at his peak in terms of getting coverage

Yeah his style of riding definitely influenced a new generation of riders. I remember that parks back home were full of kids trying nose wheelies on his signature Federal frame when it was released.


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