The Street > The Lounge

Steven Hamilton

<< < (60/79) > >>

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
I'm buying some Hamilton pedals just for that edit.

Hank Chinaski:
It appears Hamdog is on Dyno. I'll admit I didn't watch the whole thing but saw him say he's getting a Nitro from them.

That july edit is refreshing.

its usually pretty good whenever steven comes back with some refreshing riding aside from the rest of the edits out there.

i will enjoy all of his edits as long as they keep being so simple and freestyle. I enjoy them because its like watching one of your friends ride, the friend that is usually always down to ride and always really good and naturally talented, not forcing himself too much but always riding whatever there is regardless. then he comes out with creative ideas and makes me think, damn why am i so close minded.

got this wallpaper somewhere, i think it was on dig. i dig.



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