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Steven Hamilton

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Fuck the controversy that was a great bit of video...


Tall Opinion:

--- Quote from: Abe Frauman;3542592 ---recent hamdog interview from the federal site

some interesting stuff about what hes been up to (psyched hes listening to the b-52s lately), and also about "that" interview in the albion
--- End quote ---

He seems relatively normal in this interview. Honestly, the dude that wrote that Albion interview seemed like a kook anyway. I think all the hype that surrounds Hamilton falling off of bmx is stupid. He's just not in the spotlight anymore like he used to be (you could say the same about tons of other riders as well) and the "he's fucked on drugs all the time" shit is dumb too. Just about everyone does drugs or has done them at one point in their lives. Get over it.

Admiral Ackbar:
yeah ive already said this like 5 times on here, but that guy they sent to interview him seemed like a clueless douchebag

--- Quote ---It’s been just shy of 12 months since your Albion interview. Were you happy with that interview, it’s very different to most BMX interviews?

No not really. I haven’t actually seen it but my friend took pictures of his and e-mailed it to me so I could read it and I didn’t really like it. When he showed up to do the interview he said he didn’t know it snowed it Ohio. I thought that was funny. I had never met him before and he wanted to stay at my apartment so I tried to freak him out a little bit. I stayed up all night and shaved one sideburn, I was glad that got printed I thought that was funny. There was a couple of other jokes I was able to get printed too since he knew nothing about me. As far as the riding goes, I think I would have done better if I would have had brakes. I had recently built that bike up and hadn’t put my brakes on yet. I thought the table top photo was pretty cool and he didn’t mention that I normally do tables the other way and I had only recently started doing them that way. The photos of the interview my friend sent me were black and white and that photo looked good in b&w but I guess the interview is in color. There was a apart I think right before the “the kind is dead” (haha) part about me hitting the curved wall-ride. You have to remember it’s cold as shit out, I have to gap into the wall over the snow ( it isn’t shoveled inside the wall ) instead of just riding into it like I normally do, and I’m brakeless. I thought is would be a cool photo because I’m curved wall-riding over snow, I’m pretty that was opposite too and I x-upped out of it. I thought it would be a cool photo wall-riding over snow and with the x-up, I’m sure he wanted the opposite to 270 but I just wasn’t up for it in the snow that day. Also remember not everything you read in a magazine is true. There’s a number 12 on my door and there always has been, I have no idea why he said there was no number on the door. There was a part where I said something about being in the dessert and there’s no one around, for some reason I feel like I never said that. I wish he had used one of the million paper pads and pens in my cluttered apartment and taken some notes because I know he didn’t print a bunch of the stuff we covered which I think would have made for a good read, or sent me the audio files to transcribe for him because I’m sure I could have made out more of what I was saying.
--- End quote ---

Interviewer was most likely a tool. Hammy is god

Austin Tasseltine:
i dont think steve bancroft is particularly a tool or anything (dont know the guy so im not really sure) but i think its more the case that he already had an angle planned out for the article before he even met hamdog and did the interview (which was heavily build around hamiltons "fall from grace" as a pro bmxer).

plus it was the first episode of the albion, a new free bmx magazine heading into a riding scene so heavily influenced by the internet that most people overlook printed media.
whats going to get peoples attention more? a story about how hamilton couldnt be fucked with pro life and being in the limelight so he retreated a bit and did his own thing living in a messy flat (not like hes the first bmx rider to live in a messy shithole of a house/apartment is it?), or the tragic tale of a revolutionary young rider who fell off, got into drugs, lost his mind syd barret style and now sits in a room on his own in the dark all the time?


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