lightened up my bike sooooo by soooo many oz's
jcpc's to shadow ravenger pedals.... bout 3oz
2.25 fly ruben folding to 2.0 intense microknobbie... bout 8oz
1.95 folding odsy dirtpath to 2.15 khe park tire... odly enough theyre the same width on the rim.... bout 8oz
railed s&m thin seat to super light tiny cult combo seat/post... bout 5oz
removed the brakes... wish i was also running pegs so i could remove those too, ha.... bout a pound
removed the bell..... bout 2 or 3 oz
and shitty fly grips to deluxe shovel hands

also switched back to my s&m slams and primopro stem from elementry stem and lumberjack bars. supposedly the bars are the same geomeotry but the lumberjack/elementry combo feels like shit... even with my bars forward past parralel, they still ride like theyre in my lap, hate them. old setup may be a tad heavier but feeels sooo much better
bike feeeeeeeeeels sooo diealed now
also purchased cult 510 chain, odsy trigger lever and tree barends