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Definitely if you email them they will sort you out.
It would have been great to have parents, but it made BMX so much more hardcore and real not being able to buy anything new, ever.
Dreamed about it. All my bikes are either at my parent's in Chicago or in a storage unit in California. I need to get myself a bike over here!
I don\'t think anyone is going to literally kill her. She\'ll probably just get thrown in jail and get raped a bunch.
Yeah, f**k that. Grind everything.
The gussets are awesome. My wife has been needing my name carved into her for about a decade.
I always thought you were black just like scram hype haha
i had plans to hit chenga 2 with scramhyphy today, but instead i had to be a jackass last night and try a different sandwich shop only to get food poisoning. i did have a couple skatepark dreams during my naps between puking sessions though, so it wasn't all bad.
It looks convincing enough for me to still beat it to that picture.
Painted it and regret it already. Raw frames are the only way.
which place so i know not to go there
dave's cosmic subs on coventry. i think it was the "cosmic sauce" vinagrette stuff that caused it. i want to try them again without the suace just because they had a few vegetarian sandwiches at a decent price. next time my stomach feels strong i'll see if i'm up to a re-match.