took my wobbly fly cranks off. degreased and put permanent loctite on the splines . I'm hoping it holds up till I can get new cranks

my friends thunderbolts always seem to wobble. he cranks up the bolt with mad force but in 5 minutes they still wobble, no matter what the spacer combination.
also, my other friends wombolts also seem to wobble but thats acceptable (those cranks are like 5 years old)
I have never come across a set of Wom/Thunderbolts that had wobble which wasn't due either to a lack of spacers or spacer tube, or insufficient grease under the head of the bolt or on the wedges. That lip on the cranks where the bolt head runs MUST be well greased so it can go tight properly.
If it is an old set of Wombolts with the old wedges then having some of the wedges upside down can cause it also.
I hope this helps.
