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Papoy riding

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--- Quote from: blueee;3547501 ---super disaster

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Gap to disaster?

^yeah, i guess. super dissaster sounds better
^^holy shit, weedbix, nice bag'o tricks

Picture from last week.


baby got a big ol butt...


--- Quote from: Kel;3547518 ---Nope, in Liverpool (NY) built up by some good friends, they've been working them up for years now. It's a super nice spot for trails. I finally went down the other day to help out and hang, ended up finishing the vert wall in one day.

There's a stream to the right that's perfect for water, vertwall is to the left, and there are a couple natural roll-ins in the rear along with where we hang out and sit around when we're not riding. Getting bigger and better every day!
--- End quote ---

I actually saw some pictures on facebook of my buddy Matt Schilling riding that same quarter.  Honda in Rochester used to have a similar quarter, but it was never running when I lived there.  There are some really awesome jumps in Rochester now.  Same guys who used to hold the spot down at Honda.  If you are interested in trying to check them out, PM me and I can try to get you in contact with the crew out there.  They are bad ass dudes.


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