Others > Riding Photos

Papoy riding

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Footplant thing in a super tight little fullpipe we found.

And a barspin at the skatepark.

Tall Opinion:
Fullpipes are so much fun.



--- Quote from: skateparkrider;3551880 ---I actually saw some pictures on facebook of my buddy Matt Schilling riding that same quarter.  Honda in Rochester used to have a similar quarter, but it was never running when I lived there.  There are some really awesome jumps in Rochester now.  Same guys who used to hold the spot down at Honda.  If you are interested in trying to check them out, PM me and I can try to get you in contact with the crew out there.  They are bad ass dudes.
--- End quote ---

Matt is a good friend of mine, I see him pretty much every day haha. Small world! I'll definitely throw you a message when my car is back up and running and I'll actually have time to take a trip out there! Thanks man :cheers:

And blue, I like your truck bed bike rack hahaha

Austin Tasseltine:
that looks like a sick setup blue


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