Others > Riding Photos

Papoy riding

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P.S. Bew[are of bending your teeth doing this if you don't have the 2nd MDS guard

Austin Tasseltine:
yeah thats what im doing, was just trying to get it as sideways as possible for the picture aha, and ive got dual mds + collapse chain, so it all holds up

Never had the pleasure of a Collapse, I was going to but then the 510 + Pintle (Bluebird) came out and I've been enjoying single halflink-ness. Never been sure if it fits a Ratchet either

thats a good one hander


--- Quote from: weedbix;3553499 ---Never had the pleasure of a Collapse, I was going to but then the 510 + Pintle (Bluebird) came out and I've been enjoying single halflink-ness. Never been sure if it fits a Ratchet either
--- End quote ---

The collapse works on a Ratchet but I would recommend not using a half link or master link.


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