Others > Riding Photos

Papoy riding

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That's not a prob, not sure if there's even a half link to fit it?

Austin Tasseltine:

--- Quote from: Laz;3553795 ---The collapse works on a Ratchet but I would recommend not using a half link or master link.
--- End quote ---

mine works fine with a collapse with half link

one hander is sick weedbix, trails boss

I don't think there is, but come to think of it an old friend once used some clamps, a bench vice and a hammer and made his own half link for a KMC 415 Fat chain.. Now I'm getting ideas in my head.


--- Quote from: Abe Frauman;3553801 ---mine works fine with a collapse with half link

one hander is sick weedbix, trails boss
--- End quote ---

Mine rubs on my RNC guard so I flipped it over and it wore down the shell around the driver..

Oh, and that one hander shot is awesome WeedBix I failed to mention that earlier.

first is off some weird substation in leeds, second is in dublin off a bump, over sand, into another bump... i nose cased one attempt pretty bad and rolled away nearly shitting myself!


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