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Papoy riding

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--- Quote from: Ilari;3559842 ---Is that a 24"?
--- End quote ---

Yes sir.  21.75" OG Model C frame.  This bike has been rear ended by a Chevy Yukon pulling an enclosed trailer.  I took it apart after the crash but had to build it back up.  This is my favorite bike of all time, and I am not ashamed to admit it isn't a 20" wheel.  Wish I still had that gold MDS.  


--- Quote from: Sasha;3559843 ---The guy is 3 feet tall and height concious, shhh...
--- End quote ---

I tried to take a pic of a one handed tabe so I could start to get on your case about trying them again.  But I failed.  The hand has started to come off a bit more in the table top department, so it will only be a matter of time.

I tried some on good ol' Garforth flyout last week.

Austin Tasseltine:
skatepark rider, sick tables, both ways. and dick got pop


Table at tigard oregon a couple of weeks ago.  Note my buddy frankie sniping the instagram nug from the other side hahaha


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