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Papoy riding

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Austin Tasseltine:
yeah manning is a good local, got everything i like to ride (except a good flatbar). sounds like you had a blast over here, jealous you got to head up north as well

Found this one today while digging around looking for something else.  From my one session at Chandler AZ skatepark.  We were driving from TX to LA and Chandler was about the half way point.  Pulled into the parking lot before dawn and waited for the gates to open.  Was an amazing sesh even considering zero sleep and 7:00 AM staring us in the face.  Picture by my friend Francis.  This picture is also worth mentioning.  Never saw mountains before this trip.  Made sure to point them out every chance I got, haha.


Tabes. Video still.


--- Quote from: skateparkrider;3562498 ---Found this one today while digging around looking for something else.  From my one session at Chandler AZ skatepark.  We were driving from TX to LA and Chandler was about the half way point.  Pulled into the parking lot before dawn and waited for the gates to open.  Was an amazing sesh even considering zero sleep and 7:00 AM staring us in the face.  Picture by my friend Francis.  This picture is also worth mentioning.  Never saw mountains before this trip.  Made sure to point them out every chance I got, haha.

--- End quote ---

Chandler is awesome, the early seshs before the crowd are the best.

Mountains, I am still learning that not everyone has them.

my friend took this of me haha it looks so odd.


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