Others > Riding Photos

Papoy riding

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--- Quote from: _tom_;3564440 ---video still of me about to faceplant

--- End quote ---

Lets see the video then ;)

Also, where is that?

Posted the video in the videos forum, its the hip line at Woburn.


--- Quote from: sasha;3564749 ---
more of the same. Started getting one handed tables on this hip yesterday, kinda scary, photos when they're acceptable.
--- End quote ---

dats what im talkin bout!!!!!!!!!

Figured out that if you do a table then take your hand off it's loads easier than trying to do a table after you've taken the hand off. Loads more scary though.

I used to be able to 1 handed table EVERYTHIGN until one day my hand didnt make it back onto the bar. never could get them again after that :/


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