Others > Riding Photos

Papoy riding

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--- Quote from: Donald;3526460 ---Looking at these makes me regret not riding as much these days.
--- End quote ---

I hopefully get my license next week man, so I'm gonna have to make a trip down!

Ancient. From 2007, I believe.

This is a couple of years old. Summer 2010, maybe?

Manualed through the kitchen, hopped down the 3, all while quite drunk.

Most recent one. July 2010. Broke my wrist in two places later this day, haven't ridden much since. That will change in about two weeks, though!


This was my oldest one on there...  This would have been like 1998 or 1999.  On "the Creek Jump" at our first spot called King Kong Trails.  16 years old and loving life (because I had a 2.2 Max Daddy front tire...haha).

First ever backflip.  Funny story on this picture...I actually got it from a riding friend years after.  His dad took the picture at our shitty little local contest before my friend even started riding.  This would have been in 2001.

And I had to put up a somewhat recent one.  Walnut Creek Pump Track on my Model C.  

AHH!  Double posted.  Sorry!


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