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Papoy riding

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brian itzaina:
Bottom bracket on the way to work


Austin Tasseltine:
sweet, sick ledge

brian itzaina:
Thanks, I need to dig out the dirt on the other side so I can do the whole thing.
I added a clip to my op too.


--- Quote from: brian itzaina;3579777 ---Bottom bracket on the way to work

--- End quote ---

Glad I clicked the link.  Dropping the front end down/over the ledge was pretty cool.

brian itzaina:

--- Quote from: skateparkrider;3579798 ---Glad I clicked the link.  Dropping the front end down/over the ledge was pretty cool.
--- End quote ---

Thanks, dropping it in the end helps me pop out of it rather then just falling off. Been a while since I've dont any grind though ha.


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