Others > Riding Photos

Papoy riding

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not the usual street pics, but most recent riding ones, like the first one. after nearly a decade of riding, i feel like the tabes aren't heinous.

le tabe. more importantly, le guns.

le bars off 4.5 foot 1/4. if you enter a jam and can't whip etc, just huck. all i did was tabes, turndowns, grizzes and bars. fuggit.


--- Quote from: eoin.;3586676 ---all i did was tabes, turndowns, grizzes and bars. fuggit.
--- End quote ---

All of which are infinitely cooler than endless tailwhips anyway.

brian itzaina:

TIRE by veloreality, on Flickr

Is that an under-rotated manual 180? I hate that moment.

brian itzaina:
It was a very sloppy almost looped out 3 off the ledge.


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