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Papoy riding

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With that sort of coverage I am expecting you to get hooked up soon Ben!

Signature 8lb frame with bb bashguard for more grindability?

Photos From today. First 2 are from Emerald skatepark and the last one is at Churchill. Nate Sykes took the pictures.


--- Quote from: KillSeth;3587379 ---I think Colorado might be the greatest state in the US for BMX, 6 months out of the year.
--- End quote ---

We went for a quick road trip over the 3 day weekend up to CO from Austin.  Left after work on Thursday night and drove straight to Trinidad and rode that park, completely alone.  Then went up to Colorado Springs to ride that epic epic park till dark.  Once we were done in Co Springs we drove north to Boulder.  We "urban camped" at the park and were sessioning the hip before the sun was even fully up.  Left that park and went to the Valmont Bike Park (public dirt jumps) and rode them until dark.  Then drove to the new Arvada park (HOLY SHIT DUDE).  We camped out at that park until the cops kicked us out at like 2:30 AM.  Finished up our nights sleep at the local Walmart parking lot and was back sessioning the snake run as the sun came up.  Rode Arvada all day and then headed into the mountains towards Frisco.  Sessioned the shit out of that place, hit up some dope ass camping sight about 10-11,000' up in some mountains and then B lined it back to Austin in the morning.  

To say that we rode some amazing spots in our 3 days is the biggest understatment I could make.  Colorado is flat out amazing.  We didn't even make

--- Quote from: @ss4oLe;3587376 ---where is that picture taken? very pretty.
I too, suck at turndowns. I've done them, but I can't do them. :) I would like to learn though.
--- End quote ---

Spot is Frisco Adventure Park.  There is even a skatepark there.  The downhill line was so good.  30' table tops at full speed down a mountain.  Yes please.

really like the last two, toady

love the last one toady, getting him totally in the sky would have made it perfff


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