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Papoy riding

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Learned crank arm crooked grinds on my lunch break. Do they have an official name or something?

No idea. Give it a stupid name if you can

I used run RHD with righty pegs and do Dereks on the sprocket/chain instead of BB and call them Bo Derek Busters

Austin Tasseltine:
thats sweet, is that your regular footing? seen people do them on back pedal and front peg on the other side, but on bb and front peg looks like it would be a lot harder

Actually i grind goofy footed so i had to learn crank arm slides on my opposite side, so i guess its an opposite crank arm crooked grind? I'm calling it a Lebowski. Time to find a mellow hand rail to try it on.

Austin Tasseltine:
fuck yeah, make sure you get someone to snap a pic of that. itll be sweet as


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