Others > Riding Photos

Papoy riding

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Screen grab from my Iphone.

Austin Tasseltine:

--- Quote from: mutinous;3618536 ---I hope they go better in the future for you. That point of your learning looks rough.
--- End quote ---

committing is hard, i stopped doing them in the first place cos i kept sacking myself so if my testicles stay unharmed im gonna try get a more clicked xup and straighter legs

CB4 bil:

--- Quote from: Austin Tasseltine;3617991 ---nah i dont think i have, ill keep an eye out tho. merlin mason was at manning a while back, that was pretty suprising although i only met him once years back at some attilla jam its not a name you forget
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MMERRRLIN!!!! the man.

bush bash

damn that spot looks fun

Tooth Paste:

--- Quote from: super_chief;3618768 ---damn that spot looks fun
--- End quote ---


Just riding it like a wallride or whatever would be fun alone.


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