Others > Riding Photos

Papoy riding

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I'd call it a Miami Hopper if the peg touches. In the 80's pegs started out really small and didn't really get in the way of that trick. Then pegs got much longer and flatland tricks like that one got a lot harder/dumber.

This is what I did Friday morning.


--- Quote from: toady;3626918 ---He is also the nicest most outgoing person I have ever met. Anybody that has a chance to talk to him is just amazed by his charisma.
--- End quote ---

For real, nicest dude in BMX.


--- Quote from: NW_Nick;3629183 ---For real, nicest dude in BMX.
--- End quote ---

Truest statement ever. Even when he's filming he'll let some random kid have a turn to hit up the spot. Such a genuinely nice person.


--- Quote from: master;3629188 ---Truest statement ever. Even when he's filming he'll let some random kid have a turn to hit up the spot. Such a genuinely nice person.
--- End quote ---

Yeah, I've watched him film a few clips and it was more like having a session with him while he films more so than watching him try to get a clip. Not like most people who sit and like hog a ledge or something while they try to get a clip for a half hour and get mad if you try to ride. Like he worries about other people getting to ride more than he worries about getting a clip.


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