Others > Riding Photos

Papoy riding

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--- Quote from: Professor Horatio Hufnagel;3633767 ---Did you chop your peg down Brett?
--- End quote ---

No, the flash angle resulted in the light being blocked for half of my peg. It's all there, just not all evenly exposed.

Turn your bars a wee bit! For the greater good of tables everywhere.


--- Quote from: Sasha;3633851 ---Turn your bars a wee bit! For the greater good of tables everywhere.
--- End quote ---

This photo is years old, and I do turn my bars now, though I like the looks of this better, as long as it's into invert range. I don't know if I could go back to this style if I tired, though. This is a more recent shot that shows how they are now.

That's better. They look crap with straight bars.

fuck im jealous of tables


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