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Papoy riding

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Winner^^^^^^^^^^^^   ps- it is art because it is blurry.

I am getting damn close to being able to get my bars past 180 on a TD. 

thats overclicked, im jealous cos im always a few degrees off getting the damn things straight

turndowns look sick as fuck


--- Quote from: dude... on August 22, 2013, 07:44:53 PM ---thats overclicked, im jealous cos im always a few degrees off getting the damn things straight

--- End quote ---

I just started figuring out the straightening of the legs.  I also think that I have "gone through the motions" enough times that I have a good muscle memory of that body position.  I am starting to figure out what people mean when they say "crank into a turndown."   

This mother fucker is 15 years in the making.......  end goal is to do a look back air on a quarter pike.  Then I will be happy. 

Learn me the legs part, what was the useful change for you?


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