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Papoy riding

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Could be talking out of my ass here..........  but I feel like I bend at the waist a bit more now.  That sort of helps fold you into the "Doyled out" position and I think that helps me keep my legs straight a little better.  My biggest problem is my right knee not going fully straight (that is my back leg).  Hopefully I can get a god damn moment of time to get some ramping in my life sometime this weekend. 

I clicked one turndown air so far.  That is another learning experience for me...haha.  I have no clue how to describe how to do that one (like I said, I have really only clicked 1 in an air).   

Tom, chime in with your wisdom of the turndown.  Curious the method to your madness.

Tom just says that whole "recline in a lawn chair and punch yourself in the foot" thing, which doesn't help for me. I struggle to get my back leg straight as well. Every time I feel like I click a good one, I see a photo/video and it proves to be a bent-leg monstrosity.

I'm going to try and focus more on straightening that back leg and see where it gets me. Appreciate it.

The ones that click, you know are clicked.  I actually had a friend eye ball a few turndown air attempts and every time I knew it wasn't good, to which he would confirm.  Then I somehow managed to get one cranked properly and you can really feel the difference. 

Just do loads. I can only do tables and turndowns so my time riding doesn't get wasted on lesser tricks. Once you can get your back foot/leg/knee out of the way of the bars at 180 you can start leaning forwards more and pushing down. I like to kick the pedals and back end of the bike forward a bit too but I know some people who prefer legs straight down and more upper body leaning.

Edit: too many beers, that makes no sense. Practice more, you get better every time you do something.

Lets try again. For left foot forward people.

Pull the front end up, twist hips to the left and straighten legs at the same time. Pull the bars to the right, lean forward and crank em down. Probably.


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