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Papoy riding

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Recent blurry video screen shots from my phone.


--- Quote from: KillSeth on August 28, 2013, 03:05:31 PM ---Tom just says that whole "recline in a lawn chair and punch yourself in the foot" thing, which doesn't help for me. I struggle to get my back leg straight as well. Every time I feel like I click a good one, I see a photo/video and it proves to be a bent-leg monstrosity.

I'm going to try and focus more on straightening that back leg and see where it gets me. Appreciate it.

--- End quote ---

Witness my shame (shitty video grab). I am focusing a lot on kicking my legs forward, but I think it's clear that I'm forgetting about my hips. I feel like I need to pull them to the right as I kick my legs forward and to the left.

Here are a few from last Thursday.   This is a slight hip to the right (my way). 

BRONADO supplying the tunage. 

I feel like I can get these fairly consistent.  Trying to figure out how to fold over a bit more.  Also, this is about 1 year after I started to actually do half ass turndowns. 

Ruben José:

I don't even know what the fuck is going on in that picture ^^^    Bad ass angle.   


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