Others > Riding Photos

Papoy riding

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low tabes

low euro try? dunno haha

oppo downie try (my cranks flip all the time, so it's really hard to catch 'em haha)

a bird


--- Quote from: barcodebilly;3532718 ---In the first pic? yeah the school is loaded with spots. it's been getting a lot of coverage lately in edits and Ride. My school kicks ass
--- End quote ---

That's like my school.

Probably the only pic ever taken of me riding, around 2003/4 i think?
An old abubaca on my 2Hip Soul, damn that thing was heavy!

Tony Harrison:
Air on this bank last year

180 bars on this pyramid

I ride wheelchairs too

My mate took this picture as a warm up for doing an Xpegs down the ledge. I ended up coming out of the Xpegs far too early and ate shit so this was the only useable pic.


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