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Papoy riding

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Tom can suck it because he won't try to do a one handed table. 


--- Quote from: Professor Horatio Hufnagel on March 26, 2014, 10:04:34 PM ---Fine work Sammm. Flagpole posts FTW

Haven't noticed your name in a while, got a new bike check/edit to share?

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Flagpole 4 lyf.

Haven't been riding much the past few months, and then the bookmark I had for bikeguide never worked as it was before the union take over and I assumed bikeguide had fully died but then I realised if I went via bmx union my beloved forum was still here.

Nothing has changed on my bike, but recent photos can be found here http://www.bikeguide.org/forum/index.php/topic,206059.msg3685483.html#msg3685483 No idea how to properly insert a link as I've had a few too many

No edit as I haven't got a camera, the only clip I have is from a friends instagram

Will aim to get more clips soon

--- Quote from: dude... on March 27, 2014, 06:25:30 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sammm on March 23, 2014, 04:59:25 PM ---cranky down

cranky up

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fuck yeah crankarm crook, tryed this a few times before but never found a ledge of the optimum width for it to work properly

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--- Quote from: Professor Horatio Hufnagel on March 27, 2014, 11:53:45 PM ---Dunno if that front peg is touching the ledge at all

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Hufnagel is correct. In that particular crank the front peg aint touching, but it did happen a few times and since the ledge is seemingly covered in super glue, it resulted in me going over the bars a lot.


--- Quote from: Rusty on February 09, 2014, 11:04:15 AM ---Good shit dude. Even though I hardly ever run pegs I still feel obligated to do my first handrail(down stairs).

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I'll do a backflip if you do a handrail.

Airout at the worst / best park that is just down from my new place

O.G. David:


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