Others > Riding Photos

Papoy riding

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Prodigal Son:
Tuesday I noticed that this place was for sale.

On my way home after school Wednesday after I stopped by for some reconnaissance. Sketchy people squatting at an abandoned hotel type situation.

Me and my friend went today after I got home from work. Things got complicated and we left. Upon going out the exit a frustrated and confused Persian dude was yelling at us.

Upon riding away from that yelling dude we hit up pool number 2. It was in a sketchy apartment complex that had bed furniture pieces closing off one of the driveways. It was tight as fuck and super difficult to figure out.

Little gapper over the stairs.

Riding with friends who can actually take photos is kind of cool:

My friend shot some photos last night.

Video still hence crappy quality. this is about as good as I can get tables/whip things

and the instagram video http://instagram.com/p/tOA4j4odRp/#

Not easy on an MTB's standover


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