User with the name
"chesh" email fucked me for $23 shipping and a month of not having a frame to ride.
I sent him a Fit Benny L Frame and 2 tires Fit FAF tires.
I put delivery confirmation, insurance, and all the good stuff on it.
He payed me in Paypal $190, then once the frame was already sent out he removed the money from my account. I just got a new job and had no time to scan all my receipts and battle it out on Paypal like I should have.
After endless shit talking my frame and tires came back about 3 weeks later to my door.
He texted me today, months after the deal talking shit to me.
UPS told me his address was "undeliverable"
I think he was using and address of an abandoned house or something so he could grab the package from the place and not give out his real address. Luckily I paid extra so that the person receiving it had to sign.