The Street > The Lounge

PAPOY Spot Finds

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that looks sick!

These burbank gems i spotted on saturday.

This was sweet had another ledge identical to it on the other side both into grass. someone feeble 720 off asap

And this beauty of a rail I managed to snap a desperate pic of while driving by.

Best one is this sweet pool I rode today.

Been a while since I've been on here. Been searching for this spot for years, didn't have my bike with me this time it's a shame.

My friends and I checked this sweet water management area out. Our intentions were to make a little video out of the trip but forgot the backpack. This place is cool

My buddy

Really calm up here

Then down from the hill through the tunnel under the street is this cool area. I need to wax this ledge up

Then branching off is a bunch of banks and then tunnels and this hip

Man those spots make me really miss living in the AV. Ditch spots are a dime-a-dozen out there.


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