The Street > The Lounge

PAPOY Spot Finds

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sooo close

Found this new spot in the hospital near my house. Its not my side and I feel too old to hit real rails upwards. Maybe I should man up or go hit the gym instead.

I will PayPal £20 to anyone who bothers to get their bike out to Varanasi for a picture sessioning this setup. You'll probably get attacked by angry stoned sadhus (holy men) but it'll be worth it!

Real talk - I reckon an ambitious crew could make a good edit in Delhi if they put the work in. Would require going at the right time of year (when it isn't too humid), spending at least two weeks in the city to scope out possibilities (there are no locals to act as guides but there definitely are spots around) and a lot of night filming/baksheesh to deal with police and security. Let's be honest this isn't going to happen...


--- Quote from: andreas on February 28, 2014, 11:07:53 PM ---hey bunky, i put 2 & 2 together... wow. that's really insane.

--- End quote ---

Me too! That's fucked up!


--- Quote from: RAILS! on March 25, 2014, 12:30:38 PM ---
--- Quote from: andreas on February 28, 2014, 11:07:53 PM ---hey bunky, i put 2 & 2 together... wow. that's really insane.

--- End quote ---

Me too! That's fucked up!

--- End quote ---

Im slow to the catch here guys. Was it a place to land something?


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