The Street > The Lounge

PAPOY Spot Finds

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pretty sure that was in Terminator 2. ^^^


--- Quote from: andreas on March 26, 2014, 06:57:13 PM ---were you on the *insert fifteen52 five spoke wheel model name here*?

--- End quote ---

Ha, took me a second to figure out what you were getting at there.  We were about 15-20 feet away from the pavement at one point.

was early for work so i wandered around some commercial warehouse area in freemont.
-driving by i thought nothing of this till i realized it was waxed up. gap onto is as big as the gap off, felt awesome

thats my tire :)

this spot is amazing

this rode amazingly well as well

cool skate obstacle along lake merrit, oakland

double hubba along 7th st, leading towards the ports

craziest spine i ever seen, its like 9ft on the other side, along some socal waterway/river

lots of great spots in LA, way better than norcal

I want to see an edit of you riding all the spots you post Bluee. Seems like it would be a nice watch.

I love blues spot updates


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