The Street > The Lounge

PAPOY Spot Finds

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That last pic looks like it would be so much fun


take a spot, leave a spot. i've added a bunch here

solo mission the city today

ate some gnarly shit a few times trying this just cause i wouldnt commit. thats what happens when you dont go faster

rode the rail

stem to bar height ledge with all sorts of curbcut lips and landings and awkward runups, amazing spot with a ton of potential and an audience of homeless people cheering you on from their tents

theres a regular light that turns green at this intersection with no cars coming through so you can smash from way high up and launch that step down. also your tires roll right onto that wall from that little bank

random closed off skatespot in the town

curved wallride i smash into on the way home everyday

also detour to this spot near the end of my commute, the planters are set up differently everyday, fucking nuts. ride into courtyard, spend 30 seconds eyeing a line, hit it 2 or 3 times then jam the fuck out

cool spot, but always someone sitting on it. round squares in the back are also rideable.. kinda

spotted this while wandering around town with the mass

less then bar height rail just 50 feet away from the ledge

got lost looking for the skatepark and ran into this

this hubba is TWO blocks away from work


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