The Street > The Lounge

PAPOY Spot Finds

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i spotted some banks earlier while driving home, and i decided to pedal down there at 3am to scope it out and burn off some energy and clear my head (insomnia is a turd). it was too dark to get a pic on my shitty cell phone unfortunately, but it's a loading dock in the back of a meat distribution place that has a couple banks in a row on the sides of the truck loading area, along with a rail at the top of the second bank. as soon as my wrist is better i'll go distribute some of my own meat up and down these banks. and by meat i mean my penis. i will be making fuck to the banks with my penis. and by penis i mean my bike of course. my bike is gonna get balls deep all up in some bank guts and that's what's up.

i'll go take pictures when i'm feeling less turned on

in sf:
some good wallrides

mcdonalds across the street from the long ledge:

next block over from mcdonalds, theres a plaza with lots more banks up above that plaza

first rails i found after putting my pegs back on, right next to each other as well as the wallride

short rail that curves 90 degrees at the top on both sides

rides fantasticallly

wedge to quarter.. or w/e else you wanna do w/ it


more oakland

hard hard packed dirt. pretty damn smooth considering its been packed by car tires

this is a really fun one


Austin Tasseltine:
fave ledge

gotta bust out a brick feebs every now and then!


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