
Author Topic: New members, first post trying to sell  (Read 21508 times)

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Offline The Fresh Pinch

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New members, first post trying to sell
« on: October 15, 2012, 10:16:56 PM »
Hey folks, just a little courtesy here.

IF you are new to this place, don't expect people to be all over your stuff or even nice to you if you haven't posted a few times in the lounge, bikeshop or galleries.

It's a little shady when someone comes and makes their first post a sell. We've had issues here in the past and well. Try being a member of the community for a while maybe? Then people will trust you or something.

If you're just in for a quick buck, this probably isn't the place.
Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions- Thomas Jefferson.


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New members, first post trying to sell
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2013, 01:16:12 PM »
obviously this post is refering to me, and i'm not a new member i lost my password to my previous account which was "Terribletom" and when i tried to reset my password the moderators wouldnt help me out and gave me a temporary password that never worked when logging in so i was forced to make a "new" account

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New members, first post trying to sell
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2013, 01:37:22 PM »
Quote from: Mryuck666;3634930
obviously this post is refering to me, and i'm not a new member i lost my password to my previous account which was "Terribletom" and when i tried to reset my password the moderators wouldnt help me out and gave me a temporary password that never worked when logging in so i was forced to make a "new" account

This post was made in October of last year, so it's just referring in general to some of the kids who hop over from Vital to sell their shit at inflated prices.

Since you're in a different situation you should say "Formerly Terribletom" or something like that in your sig line so we know who you are. :cheers:

Offline aakolinski

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Re: New members, first post trying to sell
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2014, 06:26:59 PM »
Yo everyone! My original bikeguide username was xxaustinbmxx i havent logged in since 2009 and cannot seem to figure out what email  I used. Im back on here trying to build a new bike! is there any admin. that can help me out possibly getting back my old username to a different email si im not a newbie?

Offline robinson79

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Re: New members, first post trying to sell
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2015, 01:14:29 AM »
Hi! I'm on the Museum and vital(reluctantly) with the same username robinson79. Flawless rep. Only positive feedback. I don't ask for feedback so my 122 positive references are approximately 10 to 30 percent of all my transactions.

Here's my account.

I'm sure some people you know have worked with me before. I pay fast and I ship fast and we'll packed.

I also forward shipments of other sellers stuff through my museum account to international buyers, most notably all my Australian friends. I am an ozbmx forum member (Robinson79 《-- my handle was taken) but I only pop in that forum during may and June to remind aussies I can help. Most of them find me through word of mouth.

Anyway, I joined here to cast my net wider. Everything I have is for sale because everything has its price. I'm always open to trade propositions so don't be shy to hit me up at michaelhenri79ATgmailDOTcom

I do aftermarket local pre-owned sales in Austin Texas as Ca$hBMX. You'll get the best deals out of me or top dollar from me through shared experience,  conversation by phone, and successful transactions.  Once your in my phone contacts you likely be getting hooked up or making money off me as a buyer more than a couple times a year.

Reputation :
Mike Henri
5one2779six084 ph./text
I forward shipments to Australia and beyond! EmaIL me. - Bike maintenance for BMX'ers

Re: New members, first post trying to sell
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2015, 01:14:29 AM »



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