The Street > The Lounge

RIP Brian Itzaina

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Ruben José:
That's a bummer for sure, Sad day for BG! RIP Brian!

Absolutely can't believe it.  Seems like just yesterday we were at Pizza Port shooting the breeze and planning to do all sorts of awesome stuff this winter.

Didn't get to hang out with Brian as much as I wanted for living so closely to each other, but from the moment we randomly met in person at a local Taco Bell (recognized me by my Empire BMX shirt) I considered him a good friend and one of the nicest guys I've ever met.  We were planning on doing a double dinner date with our ladies a few weeks back.. Unfortunately work got in the way and my schedule changed.  Never got a chance to reschedule.  Crazy how life can change in an instant.

Really sorry to hear this.  Prayers for both him and his family.  I know it's still early - have any services been arranged?

RIP Brian.

I can't believe this... I was really hoping it was a joke just reading the title.
Just a few months ago he was selling me his pedals just so I didn't have to bother with an EP program.

Seemed like an awesome guy even if I never really met him. RIP man.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:

--- Quote from: MEAT on December 17, 2013, 12:38:18 AM ---Seemed like a good guy, how old is he? Rip...

--- End quote ---
Only 23 according to his profile

woah, i only knew him from these boards, but the name was familiar.
I felt a bit weak at the knees when i read this.
My condolences to the family.
May he rest.


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